Greetings, CCF and CVTS!

Yes, we arrived safely but we are very tired. Thank you for your prayers and we appreciate your continued prayers for us as we tour Israel.

Our brothers and sisters from New Mexico are wonderful born again believers and real family. My roommate Cheryl and I are so connected and I am so blessed by being with her. Our guide Yoni Gerrish has "adopted" us -- or maybe it's the other way around. He has a beautiful and wise spouse and four great children.

We are having an unbelievable experience. It is indeed a pilgrimage but so much more. We are studying the Scriptures as they apply to the places we visit. We are getting Hebrew translations. We have to travel with our notebooks and pens in hand. While our notebooks are filling up with information, our hearts and minds are being loaded with jewels.

At times I feel overwhelmed. But that feeling is accompanied by joy.

Tuesday, April 21st is Holocaust Memorial Day. In Israel sirens sounded at 10 a.m. and throughout the country people stopped for two minutes to remember those who were lost.

Love and blessings,

Elaine J. Jacobs

1 Comment:

  1. Kate said...
    Very Nice!!!! YYYAAAYYY!!!!

    Love y'all...hang in there and have a BLAST!


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